SDPG College

About the College

About the College-

Shambhu Dayal P.G. College is situated in the city of Ghaziabad adjoining the border of Delhi. Initially, this college got affiliated with the University of Agra ( from 1962 to 1965) and now it is affiliated with C.C.S. University, Meerut ( Since 1965). This is one of the most reputed college of the University. It has been accredited with B+ Grade by NAAC. This great centre of education came into being as a result of the resolve of the Late Shri Rai Bahadur Shambhu Dayal Ji, a great and reputed social worker and learned educationist, who founded a Trust for the social cause by donating all his property to it in the year 1917. The campus of the college is situated on the main G.T.Road at a distance of 1 km from Ghaziabad Railway Station. The college offers undergraduate programme in ten subjects split over the Faculty of Arts, Commerce, and Education and seven subjects in a post-graduate programme. All P.G. departments also offer research facilities and Post Doctoral Fellowship. Department of Commerce and Education is in a self-financing capacity. The study centre of IGNOU is also functioning from the college premises. The primary objective of the college is to create a positive atmosphere for the intellectual, physical and moral development of its students. This institution emphasizes rising above the differences of religion, caste and community. Due to all these specifications, the college has earned a special reputation in the world of education.

Secretary Message

Education has its base in philosophy and therefore it is a living process which changes from time to time education is the culture of body and mind which adapts a child to a particular calling providing him/ her with excellent personal and social life within the framework of that calling. Education is the most powerful tool to change the world and can be used without inhibition learning will be an experience in itself without Moto being’ education renders politeness’ in our pursuit of excellence we strive to transform students into self-driven world-class professionals and will be your guide in your journey towards reaching the Pinnacle of Glory as Swami Vivekananda has rightly said ” education is the manifestation of perfection” already existing in man.

Principal Message

Swami Vivekananda’s wisdom words- ‘Arise, Awake & Stop not till the Goal is reached’ lead our vision in the quest of knowledge and in the pursuit of providing meaningful learning experience to our students. Changing times throw up a myriad of challenges which need either to be  tackled by skill acquisition or by taking recourse to an alternative approach. Education for us is a pursuit of self-realization where we imbibe the finest of values and blend them with critical thinking to arrive at comprehending problems and making solutions. Learning, within classroom & beyond, is to foster a sprit of innovation and sense of responsibility.
We, at SD(PG) College, are building this very learning milieu so that our students make most of it to succeed in taking the best from what National Education Policy 2020 has to offer.

To this effect, a number of new initiatives have been started this year to give our students hands-on practice and experience, help them in being job-ready. A new ‘Incubation Center’ at college would help our students unleash their creative potential under the mentored guidance from our faculty and invited professionals. We have been successful in creating an interface between students and market by signing up of MOUs with some prestigious NGOs and professional agencies to facilitate a smooth transition for our students from college to job-market. Two new computer labs of 50 computers are being created to make our students IT-enabled.We are ready to roll out many more facilities to help our students compete with the best.  For us, Education is transient, ever-evolving dynamic process, so would be our approach to meet it in tandem.We are ready for change, for challenge & continue to strive for more.Our mission is to make our students ‘agents of change’, wherever they go, we are shaping them so.

जिन चिराग़ों को हवाओं का ख़ौफ़ नहीं, उन चिराग़ों को संवारा-सँभाला जाये.

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