SDPG College

Mission & Vision

Vision of the College

*An academic community dedicated to the holistic education of future leaders who will demonstrate innovation in their personal lives and inclusion in their social contribution

The institution todays holds the torch of illuminating giving shape to ideas and fustering innovation living up to the promises of the founding fathers, 

we strive to realize our vision “ To create a human universe that offers inclusiveness, equity, fellowship, justice and peace for one and all” we continue to serve the Nation through quality Teaching and research through the Production of competent, skilled and sensitive human resource that would catalyze enrichment of physical and human environment

Mission of the College

To become value oriented institution to disseminate and advance knowledge by providing instructional, research and extension excellence while promoting philosophy of Nationalism. pluralism and use of education to serve the Nation in facing new and emerging Challenges

  • To be a teaching and researching – intensive university driven by a sprit of innovation .
  • To encourage multidisciplinary learning and research in cutting edge and niche areas.
  • To provide access to education for empowering the underprivileged and socially disadvantaged sections of society.
  • To impart quality education for human resource development Nation building
  • Measures towards sustainable development of society and environmental care.
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