SDPG College

IT Club


Dr. Priyanka Singh-Co-ordinator

Prof. Urvija Sharma-Co-Coordinator

Dr.Aditi Garg

Mr. Vaibhav Tyagi

Syllabus  Download Pdf

The learning outcomes of a computer literacy program

  • Basic Computer Skills: Navigate the computer’s operating system and user interface. Use input devices (keyboard, mouse, touchpad) effectively. Understand file management and organization.
  • Internet and Web Browsing: Understand the basics of the Internet and its functionality. Use web browsers to navigate websites, perform searches, and bookmark pages. Practice safe and responsible internet usage.
  • Productivity Tools: Create, edit, and format documents using word processing software. Utilize spreadsheet software for data organization and basic calculations. Create visually engaging presentations using presentation software.
  • Email and Communication: Set up and manage email accounts. Compose, send, receive, and organize emails. Understand email etiquette and effective communication practices. Digital Security and Privacy:

Computer Literacy Program

Computer literacy is crucial for students to level the playing field, enhance their educational and employment prospects, foster digital citizenship, and empower them to participate fully in the digital society. A computer literacy program aims to provide individuals with the essential knowledge and skills to effectively use computers and technology. It is increasingly becoming a prerequisite for many jobs across various industries. By providing students with computer literacy skills, we enhance their employability and prepare them for the workforce. Access to technology and computer skills can help bridge the digital divide and increase their chances of securing better job opportunities.  It also encompasses responsible and ethical use of technology. By teaching students about digital citizenship, online safety, and privacy, we empower them to navigate the digital world responsibly and protect themselves from potential risks and exploitation.

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